Here's this months' deals from SavvyMom.ca.
LussoBaby.ca - With a huge storefront in North Vancouver, BC, Lusso Baby carries gear, clothing, toys, accessories, everything you need for baby! Use SAVVYLB10 for 10% off their online store until May 29, 2010. www.lussobaby.ca
HoneyBunch.com - Use code may20 for 20% off personalized silhouette prints until May 29. www.honey-bunch.com
CharmingMommy.com - Wonderful customised jewelery available, great for gifting or for yourself! Use code MOMDAD for 10% off until May 31, 2010. www.charmingmommy.com
MomAndBabyworks.com - Find everything you need for Mom and Baby here! Special on olli Booster seats: use code MBW-Savvy-clek for 23% off olli Booster seats until May 31. www.momandbabyworks.com
EverythingEco.ca - Quality eco-friendly products at reasonable prices. Enter code SAVVY20 for 20% off until June 30. www.everythingeco.ca
SleepHuggers.com - Every baby should have a sleep sack! Enter code savvy10 for 10% off until May 31. www.sleephuggers.com
BabyBot.com - Over 1,000 items for baby! This new online store is offering FREE shipping across Canada as a launch promotion. And throughout May, buy any stroller from Babybot.com and receive a free gift with your purchase. Use code savvybot for 10% off until May 15. www.babybot.com
Sign up to receive your deals from Savvy Mom at www.SavvyMom.ca!
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