Just use code $1-2-SHIP to gete $1 shipping on all cloth diaper orders over $29. Shipping is usually $9 flat. This is a limited time offer that applies to regular shipping to the US and Canada only.
Click here to shop for cloth diapers at www.TheBabyMarketplace.com.
If you are still trying to figure out how cloth diapering is supposed to work, The Baby Marketplace has a good section of information all about the different cloth diaper types.
Brands they carry include the popular Bum Genius 3.0 AIO and Organic AIO, the new FLIP AIO pockets, Bummis, Aristocrats, and Bamboo Baby. They also offer bulk diaper pricing and Diaper Packages to help you save more!
A new item they are carrying is 100% organic cloth wipes, for just $1 each! Their site advises that you can simply use warm water with the reusable wipes, or make a solution consisting of ¼ cup Baby Oil, ¼ cup Baby Shampoo, 1 ¼ cups Water, 8 drops Lavender Oil and 5 drops Tea Tree Oil. This mixture will work well in a spray bottle kept at the changing area.
If you end up purchasing more that $225 of diapers, get FREE regular shipping to the US and Canada with coupon code diapershipfree.
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