This Ottawa-based online store has a large selection of cloth diapers, plus a regular sale and clearance section. Currently you can get a deal on Sugar Peas Single Layer Windpro Fleece Covers ($17.80, reg. $20.95), and Monkey Doodlez Pocket Doodlez ($18.99, reg. $21.99). Also on sale is a lovely Mei Tei carrier called the Freehand baby carrier ($65, reg. $79). There is also a "Gently Used" section where you can get super deals on pre-loved diapers.
Servicing the Ottawa-Gatineau area, Ottawa Cloth Diapers hopes to provide not just products, but also information on cloth diapers to help Moms choose the best option that works for her and baby. You'll find lots of cloth diapering information on their website (www.ottawaclothdiapers.com), and they also offer one-on-one informational sessions and have a showroom of products. To help new cloth diapering mammas get started, they also offer cloth diapering packages and trial programs from $20 a week.
Check out their cloth diaper products, deals and information at www.ottawaclothdiapers.com.
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