It was great meeting other local moms that I have met on Twitter (and some I had not yet met on Twitter, too!). The highlight of the meeting was meeting Erica Ehm, whom you may remember as one of the original VJs from MuchMusic. Erica was elegant, classy, gorgeous as ever, just a lovely person - even though I only spoke to her for all of five minutes, she made a great impression! That she took time out of her one-day schedule in Vancouver to meet with us was awesome.
Erica Ehm is the force behind the website YummyMummyClub.ca. Insightful articles, lots of contests to enter, and events for yummy mummies across the country - you'll find these and more at this hip online hub for moms, because "Moms want to have fun, too".
You can also read Erica's Blog on the site - click here to read about her Vancouver visit (the tweetup with moms is at the end of the article). You can follow Erica on Twitter @YummyMummyClub.
Read more, view photos and video about the tweetup: an article by Rebecca Bollwitt (@Miss604), who is a professional blogger, consultant, music and hockey podcaster, E!Online guest contributor, WordPress coder and co-founder of @sixty4media; and an article by Rachael (@Rachaelpachel) who also took an awesome video of the tweetup!
Erica has been doing other tweetups in other cities as well, maybe you can catch up with her! The Twitter hashtag is #YMCoffee - Click here to view the Twittering on #YMCoffee!
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