Huggies has launched a new points rewards program! Called "Enjoy the Ride Rewards", you can earn points from entering codes, answering polls, watching online videos, or browsing websites.
Rewards that you can redeem for include a chance to win in sweeptakes and giveaways.
Sign up at www.enjoytheriderewards.com
Once you sign up, you can type in this code to get 15 points total in your account: TKHNF-RLPLS-TRPGB. After that, there will be a printable coupon for $2 off any package of Huggies diapers!
April 28, 2009 Note: The above code no longer works :(
Huggies has launched a new points rewards program! Called "Enjoy the Ride Rewards", you can earn points from entering codes, answering polls, watching online videos, or browsing websites.
Rewards that you can redeem for include a chance to win in sweeptakes and giveaways.
Sign up at www.enjoytheriderewards.com
Once you sign up, you can type in this code to get 15 points total in your account: TKHNF-RLPLS-TRPGB. After that, there will be a printable coupon for $2 off any package of Huggies diapers!
April 28, 2009 Note: The above code no longer works :(
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