Ultimate Back to School Label Pack

Make it easy to identify your child's belongings this year with Mabel's Labels Ultimate Back-to-School Pack
Ultimate Back to School Label Pack

Get Free Stuff for your usual Online Searches: Swag Bucks

This is one freebie earning program that REALLY works EASY. Read about how I'm earning freebies with no effort at all.
Get Free Stuff for your usual Online Searches: Swag Bucks

Protect Baby with UPF 50 Clothing

Harmful UV rays can penetrate clothing. Protect baby with Agoo Activewear, which features UPF 50, stain resistance and is anti-bacterial.
Protect Baby with UPF 50 Clothing

Huge shoe selection at Canada.Zappos.com

Friday, January 30, 2009 0 Responses
Saw this on Oprah on Friday. Zappos.com is the largest online shoe retailer in the world - their website states they carry over 500 brands and 90,000 styles! That's a heckuva lot of shoes...

And like Carrie Bradshaw, we girls all love shoes!

They also carry infant/toddler shoes and diaper bags! They also have a dedicated Canadian site - Canada.Zappos.com, with flat rate US $10 shipping. When you check out, the site calculates the customs fees and adds it to your order. There is a decent sale section right now with up to 80% off some styles.

I picked up an awesome deal - this Privo Hop 2 style, at 80% off, US $13.80... reg. $68... such a good deal I picked up two pairs, one white, one black! The duty was $7.18, so my total cost for 2 pairs was $44.78.

The company is dedicated to customer service, this was stressed in the interview with their CEO Tony Tsieh on Oprah, and also on their website.

This is gonna be bad for me... lots more shoe shopping to be done here by me I'm sure!


What is Twitter?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 1 Response
You may have noticed something called Twitter on my blog. This post is to explain about that.

What is Twitter?
Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service of up to 140 characters per blog. Currently this is a free service at www.Twitter.com.

What is micro-blogging?
Technically this is a brief message via either text, instant message, email, web, or digital audio. Sent in real time.

How is Twitter used?
Using Twitter, users can send and read other users' updates by 'following' each other. These updates are called 'tweets' or referred to as 'twittering'.

Using Twitter is an extremely effective method of distributing information in real-time. It is great for networking - it's a "social networking" tool.

The updates for Twitter can be made using the Twitter online service, or by using one of the many free applications that can be installed to manage Twitter messages.

What do people tweet about?
People tweet about anything and everything! From hellos to goodnights, to what restaurant they are rushing off to, how they are feeling today, what website they might be perusing, links to articles... anything at all. The latest hot trend with Twitter is to use it for marketing purposes.

What does Canada Mom Deals tweet about?
I may be tweeting a conversation with another tweeter. Or I may tweet about my latest blog post. Or I may tweet about deals and freebies that I choose not to post on Canada Mom Deals since I am trying to keep all CMD posts relevant to Canadian mommies - so you might want to check out my tweets too!

How do I view Canada Mom Deals tweets?
You don't need to join Twitter to view my updates. On my blog there is a section called "Follow me on Twitter" like the picture below. Immediately below that are a few of my recent 'tweets'. If you want to view all my tweets prior to those, click on the "Follow me on Twitter" icon, like the one below.

You can also view my tweets anytime by going to www.twitter.com/canadamomdeals.

I decided to join Twitter. Now what?
If you are already a Twitter user, follow me! If you know other Twitter users, find and follow them. You might check out who I'm following, and follow the people that may be of interest to you (the objective is NOT to follow everyone or to have the most followers, although some people seem to think that is the objective).

To help get you started, here is a link to an article on why, how's and what's about Twitter. Also another great Twitter how-to site is www.TwiTip.com.

Below are three well-known Twitter people to follow. They were among the first people I followed and through them I was able to get a better idea of what Twitter was all about.
  • http://twitter.com/problogger - Darren Rowse, the man behind Problogger, makes a living as a professional blogger. He also blogs Twitip.com, which is a popular Twitter tip blog.
  • http://twitter.com/JohnChow - John Chow is a Vancouver millionaire. He made some of those millions by blogging. Read his bio on his site, it will give you a good idea about this man's sense of humour. He does blog about what he's eating though so if that turns you off you might skip him. :D
Here are lists of some local Vancouverites and businesses that Twitter.
So what do you tweet about? Observe what others are tweeting to get an idea of the Tweeter universe. Most Tweeters are super friendly. So be yourself and jump right in and comment at other people's tweets. Twitter is one of those things in life where you just have to use it to know how to do it and what it's all about.

There are tons of free articles on the Internet about tweeting. Here are a few to start you off:

Additionally, you will see tweeters mention RT, #, and hashtags. These things I can't find mention of in the Twitter Help, so I'll tell save you some trouble and give you some info here.
  • RT means Retweet - basically, copying another person's tweet and tweeting it yourself. It is cool to Retweet, since it can't always be about you, you know! When a retweet is done, you should include the original Tweeter's information. Some of the Tweeter apps have a 'retweet' function, such as TweetDeck or Twitterfox.
  • Hashtags identify a topic on Twitter. The # sign is added in front of the word to make it a topic; you can then search on the hashtag to find all messages on this topic. Here is a link to another explanation of hashtags.

Once you are up and 'tweeting', you might find these interesting:

Cheers and happy tweeting!



First Lost Tooth Certificate from Canadian Dental Assoc.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 0 Responses
Very cute! To celebrate a child's first lost tooth, the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) offers to send your little one a free certificate to commemorate this event!

To get the "Smile Certificate" you just send an email to the CDA with specific information such as your mailing address. You can also phone in your request. For full details see the CDA site.


Free Sample of Tena Absorbency Product

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 0 Responses
Get a free sample of Tena pads or underwear. There is a short questionnaire to fill out for this. You get to choose one of 12 different products for your free sample.

They also have a contest to win a Volvo C30, so enter that contest while you are there! Contest closes March 31, 2009.


Free Car Seat Safety DVD, PDF, Growth Chart

Saturday, January 24, 2009 1 Response
4 out of 5 child passenger seats are not installed correctly*. Here are some free materials for you to review your child's car seat safety (or help you install your new one).
  • The Co-operators have produced (in cooperation with the Infant and Toddler Safety Association) an instructional DVD entitled Car Seat Safety Check. This DVD walks you through the different stages of child car seats and boosters as well as other intricacies of car seat safety and proper installation. It has a great section on how to install using the Universal Anchorage System (also referred to as the LATCH system)
  • They are also offering a free growth chart, request this in the email as well.
  1. The Co-Operators/Buckle Up Bears program offers online videos and PDFs on booster seat safety. View or download them here (http://www.cooperators.ca/en/aboutus/community/2_3_1.html).
Keep in mind that your local transportation authorities may also provide free seminars. In BC they are offered by the BCAA Traffic Safety Foundation and ICBC, and is by appointment only on specific dates. A list of dates and locations throughout the Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley, North Central, Southern Interior, and Vancouver Island can be found on the BCCA TSF website (http://www.tsfbcaa.com). More info: ICBC Child Seat Information (British Columbia)

*Source: Canada Safety Council


$5 Off The Family Book (Vancouver Coupon Book)

Thursday, January 22, 2009 0 Responses
The Family Book is a coupon book full of deals for families living in the Greater Vancouver Area and Fraser Valley.
  • Enjoy over $3000 in savings in the Greater Vancouver Area & Fraser Valley
  • Over $400 in FREE items
  • Coupons for Canadian online boutiques
  • Redeem coupons for classes, dining, attractions, toys, photography, and more!
  • Coupons valid until Sept. 1, 2009
Use coupon code 5off0809 to get $5 off the Family Book. In BC, with 5% GST and $3.30 for shipping it comes to $19.05.

Participating stores include Baby's World, Baby On Board, Fit 4 Two Pre and Postnatal Fitness, Gymboree, Meals for Mums, Please Mum, and lots more (see their website for full list).



Jogging Moms: Nike Music+Coaching Download Freebie

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 1 Response
This freebie has been around since last summer, but in case you missed it, it's a great freebie here for jogging mommies!

Nike has 3 free download packs, each containing a MP3 of music compiled with specific training intervals along with coaching by premier fitness instructor Jay Blahnik; and a PDF companion workout booklet to the MP3, which includes stretching exercises too.

The 3 packs are:
  • My First 10K - A 10K Training mix that features music and expert coaching.
  • Treadmill Workout - A 30 minute treadmill mix to help get you primed for race day.
  • 10K Training Quick Run - A 20 minute training mix for when you don't have time for a full workout.
The music is upbeat and just awesome, and with the coaching by Jay Blahnik it's like your own pro coach right there!

So very motivational, especially for moms like me that need to get her butt into gear.

Check out the Nike downloads here!


Free Blending Game Sample - Update

Tuesday, January 20, 2009 0 Responses
I love it when my freebies arrive! On January 6 I blogged about the free Blending Game interactive phonemic game sample. Just wanted to report that I received it yesterday.

The sample has 20 cards has and detailed instructions for teaching blending and segmentation.

To receive a free sample set of The Blending Game, send your name and mailing address to: randall@earlyreadingmastery.com

Even though my baby is only 6 months old, I'm going to start using these with him. I had been reading about baby language development and studies show that the more vocabulary a baby is exposed to as early as possible, the faster they learn when they do begin to read and write. Seeing as this game focuses on phonetics, it may also speed up baby's speaking capabilities. Anyways, doesn't hurt to try!



Old Navy - $10 off $50 Purchase (Exp. Feb 28/09)

Monday, January 19, 2009 0 Responses
Old Navy Canada has offered a coupon for $10 off $50 purchase.

I don't see any fine print restricting use on sale merchandise, so this would be an added-savings deal if you can use on existing sale items! And you have until February 28, 2009 to use it. In-store use only.

Get your coupon here.



Diaper and Sleep Tracking Tools

Monday, January 19, 2009 12 Responses
For a few freebies related to diaper and sleep tracking, read on!

Whether it's your first baby or your fourth, at some point you may want to track the number and frequency of diapers that you've been changing. Or perhaps keep a sleep log, as many books on sleep recommend, such as The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night.

Tracking activities helps you understand your baby's needs better by determining typical times for when baby is asleep, how long he slept, when baby is awake and how long, how many diapers a day, how often is baby nursing and the duration... you get the picture. Knowing these things can help you with scheduling your day around baby's sleep and nursing times, the best time to make appointments out with or without baby, or answer questions from the doctor about baby's nursing habits to determine how well baby is doing.

I went through all this with my baby, too. Here's what I used, maybe it'll be of use to you as well.

Trixie Tracker
First, the best thing about this online software is that it is FREE for tracking diapers. Second best thing is that you can use ALL its features for free for 14-days. Third best thing is that you can use it on your iPhone!

Trixie Tracker is an online tracking tool for keeping track of sleep, diapers, breast feeding, bottle feeding, pumping, solids, and medicine doses. When my baby was one-month old, I used this for 14-days, which is the free-trial offer. I kept track of sleep, diapers, and breast feeding. Once you build up the data in the software you can see a visual of the trends in your baby's activities, so that was cool. However, I did opt to discontinue using the tracker at all after the free trial, as it did take a bit of time to enter all the information.

For a comprehensive review of this software, check out hippie dippie bébé's blog review.

To sign up to Trixie Tracker, click here. Even if you decide not to continue the trial, the diaper tracking part is totally free.

Made My Own Baby's Daily Log
I eventually wanted to track my baby's sleep habits again. I just wanted something super simple. So I made my own using an Excel spreadsheet. Over time I decided I wanted to also track diapers, feeding, and baths, so I added those to the spreadsheet.

You are welcome to download and use this spreadsheet***. I kept it as simple as I possibly could as I was only looking to track trends in sleep, nursing, and keep tabs on last feeds, diapers and baths (as you know, for new moms the days and hours all mesh together after a while).

***Note that when you open the file you will get a message about the document containing macros. Please choose Enable Macros. If you don't, the things I've set up in the document will not work properly.

If the Toolbar isn't displaying, you must right-click on the top of the Excel program toolbar area and you will get a drop-down menu. On the list should be "Baby's Daily Log", select that and the special toolbar should appear. See screenshot to the left.

I hope you find this handy - let me know if you like it, if there are errors, if it could be improved. If you have any questions about the document, please leave me a comment on this post.
Following are a few more free logs (I did not use any of these myself). Check them out to see which style works best for you!

Breastfeeding Log for Baby's First Week
I only recently came upon this breastfeeding log on hippie dippie bébé's blog, so I've not used it myself but it looks very useful and convenient. It is a PDF you can print out and take with you to the hospital / take home with you. To track your feeding you just circle the time - very quick and simple. The log includes tracking of wet or soiled diapers. A super handy part of this log is that it provides a description of what the soiled diapers should be like each week, and what the typical amount of soiled or wet diapers should be. This is great, especially for new moms who would not be familiar with "what is typical" for baby during these early weeks.

Infant Feeding Log from Microsoft Templates
If you want to log more detail regarding your nursing, there is an Infant Feeding Log available on Microsoft.com's free template site. You can track the length of feeds, amount of feeds (if bottle feeding), wet diapers, and BMs (bowel movements). You write in the exact times of these activities.

Newborn Feeding and Diaper Log from Parents.com
This is a pretty log that you just put a check mark each time baby has a wet or poopy diaper. You can fill in exact times for nursing, amount and duration; there's a spot for notes too.

Grab this download from Parents.com - note that you will need to sign up to their site to get access to the file.


Cool Management docs for Mommy to download

Friday, January 16, 2009 0 Responses
SimpleMom.net has a number articles on innovative ways to manage time as a mommy.

Site owner Tsh (pronounced "Tish", it's not a typo!) has also developed a set of her own management documents, which she has made available on her site as free downloads. The downloads include:

  • Daily Docket. It's like a daily planner but with more areas for filling in details that would normally be scribbled on a to-do list.
  • Master Checklist. A to-do list for Moms that is used in conjunction with the Daily Docket.
  • Pre-schooler's Chore Chart. This is precious. A simple little chore chart with cute little drawings. I think I may use this for my husband.
  • Grocery List.
  • Budgeting for Christmas.
  • Monthly Calendar.
  • A link to download all of the above at one time (Brilliant! Efficient!)
I just love efficient Mommies. Thanks Tsh!



Recalls: Rainforest Play Yard, Olympia 3-in-1 Crib

Thursday, January 15, 2009 0 Responses
Wow, two more recalls:

Yesterday a massive recall of Stork Craft cribs was issued. See more information on the Stork Craft crib recall here.

Check out all the children's recalls in Canada here... there are quite a few from December 2008 alone.


Baby Tooth Chart

Thursday, January 15, 2009 0 Responses
Keep track of your precious baby's teeth with this sweet little baby tooth chart courtesy of Anbesol.com

Thanks to Frugal Freebies for her post!


Free Sampler Pack from P&G: Olay, Pantene, Crest, Herbal Essences...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 0 Responses
Proctor and Gamble has an awesome FREE sampler pack offer! Possible product samples include:
  • Gillette Gentle Clean Shampoo & Body Wash
  • Olay Definity Re-Energizing Serum & Olay Definity Night Restorative Sleep Cream
  • Herbal Essences Shampoo & Conditioner
  • Gillette Fusion
  • Crest Whitestrips Advanced Seal
  • Crest Glide Deep Clean Floss
  • Head and shoulders shampoo
The offer does require a short questionnaire (about a page) to be filled out, and the sample choices offered to you are based on your questionnaire answers.

Get yours before they're all gone!



Received my free Chapman's 2009 calendar - got yours?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 0 Responses
I received my free Chapman's kids calendar today. Cute kiddy cartoons in it, and of course I love that it's Canadian.

Sign up for your Chapman's calendar here. While you are there, and if you have kids that are old enough to play games on the computer, then you might want to sign up for their Kids Club too. The Kids Club site has online games and activities for kids where points can be earned and redeemed for prizes such as markers, sudoku, and craft kits. These prizes are free, no shipping charges either!

Gotta love that. Too bad my little guy's still too young for it... :D


Free Child Safety Package from Amber Alert

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 0 Responses
AmberAlert GPS is offering a free child safety kit that includes:
  1. Ebook The 4 Biggest Mistakes Parents Make That Put Their Children at Risk. This is downloadable immediately and also emailed to you.
  2. Child Identification Kit - this is emailed to you. This is a nicely put together document to list your child's physical identifications, doctors, allergies, and other personal identification.
  3. Child Safety Tips Newsletter subscription.
  4. Just Yell Fire! DVD to prevent abduction and teenage date rape. A link to this download is emailed to you.
  5. Child Safety Blog entry updates as they happen.
Note that by requesting this kit you will be signed up to receive their newsletters and blog entries via email! Also, note that AmberAlert GPS is a US-based company.

Thanks to Frugal Freebies for informing readers of this freebie.


Free Bookplates Download - Vintage Cute

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 0 Responses
Blogger Sweet Jessie is offering vintage-style adorable bookplates as PDFs downloads for free. There are six designs. Great fun for you and your pre-schooler and/or toddler, or yourself!



Stork Craft Crib Recall

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 0 Responses
Another major recall by a crib manufacturer. A recall has been issued for Stork Craft cribs manufactured between May 2000 and November 2008.

See a CBC report on it here or visit the Health Canada Product Recall site here.

I actually own this crib and of course I'm very concerned. Upon closer review of the hazard (quoted from the Health Canada site):
  • The metal support brackets used to support the mattress frame can crack and break after stress is put upon them during incorrect installation. If one or more support brackets break, the mattress could potentially collapse and create a dangerous gap between the mattress and crib rails in which a child can become entrapped and suffocate.
I had my husband check the crib and everything looks bolted down tight. Whew!

While we're on this topic, check out all the children's recalls in Canada here... there are quite a few from December 2008 alone.


Cool Baby Reviews, Contests, Discount Codes at Soothie Ranch Blog

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 2 Responses
I just recently found out (through Twitter, what a great networking tool!) about this cool Canadian site for mommies.

Blogged by WAHM Natasha, The Soothie Ranch has reviews about only cool neat baby-related products which Natasha tests out herself.

But the BEST part about her site are the discounts and contests/giveaways!

Her site currently has discounts for:

And for January 2009, the site is running the following contests. Looks like the contests are open to both Canadian and US readers, except where noted on the Soothie Ranch website:

To enter most of these contests requires that you visit the retailer's website, and then leave a comment on the Soothie Ranch website about why you like the product. There are other ways to enter as well, see each contest for details.



Free Pampers codes

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 10 Responses
In case you missed these before, here are some free Pampers codes. If you have any trouble with a code, please post a comment for us all!
  • WELCOMEBONUS089 (1 point)
  • OHAMANDAAWGTG08 (1 point)
  • WELCOME2GTG0809 (1 point)
  • GIVE09UNICEFGTG (3 points)
The following codes are reported as no longer working.
  • WEAPPRECIATEU08 (10 points)
  • DONTFORGETGTG08 (1 point)
  • HAPPYHOLIDAY089 (3 points)
  • WEAPPRECIATEU09 (3 points)
  • FREECODEEXP0726 (1 point)


Pampers coupons and more at Save.ca

Monday, January 12, 2009 0 Responses
There are currently some Pampers coupons at Save.ca:
  • Save $2 off Pampers Baby Dry, Swaddlers, Swaddlers Sensitive or Cruisers
  • Save $1 off any Pampers wipe product of 60 ct or more
  • Save $3 off any Pampers Easy Ups or UnderJams
Lots of other money-saving coupons including ones from Gerber. I always grab the Save $1 off Royale Bathroom tissue. There are also some $5 off Iams or Eukaneuba dry dog or cat food.

I just received in the mail today my free gift from Pampers Gifts to Grow! I just ordered it a week ago so that was real quick delivery. If you don't know about this Pampers program, read about it and other things new mommies should sign up for here.



GreenOrganic.ca Sale

Saturday, January 10, 2009 0 Responses
Into organics? GreenOrganic.ca has a number of items on sale (up to 40% off), and they've kindly offered my readers an additional 10% all listed prices! A sampling of what's available:

They are also currently offering free shipping on orders over $150.

To get your special Canada Mom deal, type in the coupon code sweetdeal.

Good time to stock up on gifts... Happy shopping!


Peg Perego car seat recall in US

Friday, January 09, 2009 1 Response
Infant car seats by Peg Perego, the Primo Viaggo SIP, manufactured from July 1/07 to March 14/08, have been recalled in the US. See more information on the US NHTSA site.

I don't know if this will affect similar models in Canada, but remember that we have different regulations for car seats here and you should not be using a model purchased in the US. See this link for more information on car seats in BC.

Basically car seats - for either infants or children - must meet the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. To meet this standard, the seat must be purchased in Canada. For this reason it is also not recommended to buy pre-owned car seats, as you never know where it was purchased or if it is accident-free.


Kids clothes & more at Saks.com - Up to 80% Off, Free Shipping to Canada

Thursday, January 08, 2009 0 Responses
Into high-end kids or maternity clothes? Check out the kids sale section at the big designer sale (up to 80% off) at Saks Fifth Avenue online! Sales on other designer clothes too!

Saks online now offers:
  • Shop in either Canadian or US currency.
  • View the order total (including shipping fees, customs tariffs and taxes) at checkout, and be assured the total is guaranteed at the exchange rate set when order is placed.
  • Click here for their free Canadian shipping details
Happy shopping!


BPA Code

Thursday, January 08, 2009 0 Responses
I was discussing BPA (Bisphenol A) and plastics codes with a friend, and thought I'd share it here on my blog.

The question was, what is the plastic code for BPA products?

So I did a little bit of online research. First, a little bit more on BPA. BPA is an industrial chemical used to make a hard, clear plastic known as polycarbonate.

As most of Canadians now know, the Government of Canada has banned BPA from use in baby bottles, as it has been found to be a hormone disruptor (according to Environmental Defense, which states, "Studies have linked low-dose BPA exposure with such effects as: permanent changes to genital tract; increase prostate weight; decline in testosterone; breast cells predisposed to cancer; prostate cells more sensitive to hormones and cancer; and hyperactivity.").

Plastic Codes

From the Government of Canada Chemical Substances website:

Plastics identified by codes 1 through 6 do not use BPA in their manufacturing process.

  1. polyethylene teraphthalate (PETE or PET)
  2. high density polyethylene (HDPE)
  3. polyvinyl chloride (PVC) vinyl (V)
  4. low density polyethylene (LDPE)
  5. polypropylene (PP)
  6. polystyrene (PS)

Code (7) is used to identify ‘Other Plastics’. Polycarbonate is a code seven (7) plastic; however, the majority of code seven (7) plastics are not polycarbonate.

The answer, therefore, is that there is no specific code for BPA, but basically Code (7) may or may not have BPA in it. So stay away from Code (7)!

I found these sites informative:
Hope this is helpful to all the moms!


Regular prices are deals at IKEA

Thursday, January 08, 2009 0 Responses
IKEA certainly was not the first store that came to mind when I thought about buying baby stuff. So it was to my surprise to discover that not only do they carry cribs, sheets, blankets and highchairs, but also baby toys like rattles and playmats, eating utensils, bibs, placemats, and safety products. Many of their children's products have very reasonable prices:

I own some fitted sheets and blankets from IKEA, and love their look and quality. Their plastic dinnerware and utensils are made of polypropylene (per stated on their website), so it's BPA-free and microwave safe. They also state that their toys are meet Canada's Hazardous (Toys) Products Regulations.

Now if they would only make ALL their products available for purchase online, I'd be one happy online shopping momma!


Baby Einstein Monthly Sweepstakes

Wednesday, January 07, 2009 0 Responses
Enter the Year of Discoveries Sweepstakes from Baby Einstein, creators of developmentally appropriate products for babies and toddlers.

Prize packages of Baby Einstein products retailing approx. $250, $100, and $50 will be drawn each month.

No purchase necessary. February's sweepstakes runs until February 28, 2009.

Thanks to Teresa for the alert!


The Blending Game - free sample of interactive phonemic awareness game

Tuesday, January 06, 2009 0 Responses
This looks like a cool freebie for learning to read.

I contacted the company to verify that they send to Canada, and the response was "I love Canada! Your free sample set of 'The Blending Game' will be mailed out to you tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for your interest in developmentally appropriate early reading instruction. Please tell your colleagues about this free offer."

From the website:

The Blending Game is an interactive phonemic awareness activity that teaches blending and segmentation of words containing 3 sounds, like mouse, church, dog. Each sample set of The Blending Game comes with 20 picture cards and detailed instructions for teaching blending and segmentation. Segmentation is the most important beginning reading skill because it allows a child to understand how spoken and written words map onto each other and facilitates the understanding of the alphabetic principle.

To receive a free sample set of The Blending Game, send your name and mailing address to: randall@earlyreadingmastery.com

For more information, see http://www.earlyreadingmastery.com/index.php?s=free-game

No expiry date for now.


Pampers Gifts to Grow - 3 Free Points

Tuesday, January 06, 2009 0 Responses
I received an email from Pampers today a code for 3 free Gifts to Grow points.

If you didn't receive your email, the code is HAPPYHOLIDAY089

I am having trouble accessing the site so I imagine that everyone must be trying to enter their freebee code!

If you haven't yet joined the Pampers Gifts to Grow program, see my List for New Moms Base List to read more about it.


Contests and Giveaways

Monday, January 05, 2009 3 Responses
If you like entering contests and giveaways, here are some for you. I will try to keep this posting updated with the latest Mom-related ones.

Don't miss some additional contests that I posted separately click here to view all my contest postings.

  • Celebrity Baby Blog Weekly Giveaways
    This site has a fabulous weekly designer baby or mommy-related giveaway.
    Check them out each Monday for each new contest!

  • YummyMummy.ca Contests
    This site by Erica Ehm always has multiple contests you can enter, with prizes any Mom would love! Previous prizes include spa getaways, boot camp, laptops, PDAs, gift certificates to specialty stores, and more!
  • Today's Parent/Sears - New Baby Contest - Win one of six $2000 is Sears gift cards. Draws are held the third Monday of January 2009, March 2009, May 2009, July 2009 and September 2009 and December 1, 2009. Closes Nov. 30, 2009.

  • Blankees Monthly Free Baby Blanket Contest
    Every month this company gives away a free crib size blanket in the style of your choice. US retailer, but the contest is open to Canadian residents. No purchase necessary.

  • Bacardi Luxury Getaway: Win a Labour Day Luxury Getaway for 6 to either Muskoka, ON, or Tofino, BC with private yoga instruction, spa treatments, gourmet meals and a stocked pantry. Valued at up to $20,000. Open to all residents of legal drinking age on May 1, 2009. Ends on August 4, 2009. One entry per day, so bookmark this one!

  • Toyota Make Things Better Contest: Win $10,000 CASH. There's a short questionnaire to answer. One entry per person. Ends December 31, 2009.

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the organizations mentioned above. The information provided here is based on the information presented on these organizations' Internet sites. The information for these contests and giveaways on this blog is not official, please contact the organizers of the contests and giveaways for all official rules and regulations.


Craigslist - THE place for deals

Monday, January 05, 2009 0 Responses
If you are looking for a deal, buying "pre-loved" items is the only way to go.

I scored another great deal yesterday from Craigslist (thank you to Sandra in Richmond)! For $30 I received a boy's clothing lot. Most of the clothing lot was in very good condition. In all there were 62 garments (including two jackets, one GAP and one GYMBOREE) and five pairs of shoes! That's approximately 45 cents per item! If you average out that brand new you might spend $10-$20 per item, that's $670-$1340 retail!

For those of you unfamiliar with Craigslist, here's some information to get you started.
  • On Craigslist.org, choose your city, then go to the Baby+Kids link.
  • Bookmark this link so that you can easily check the site. Even faster is, drag the link to your toolbar so it's a one-click link to the site's Baby+Kids section.
  • If you are searching for specific items, you may want to filter out the listings by typing it into the search bar at the top. Keep your filter as simple as possible - better to include items that are not what you are looking for rather than exclude a listing accidentally. For example, in searching for a boy's clothing lot, I just type the word 'lot'. Keep in mind though that some posters may have mispelled the items; in which case I do a quick manual scan through the list as well.
  • Check daily or more - sometimes you need to act quick to get the deals. Let your Mommy friends that Craigslist know what you are looking for and have them keep an eye out for you too - that's how I got this latest deal. (Thanks Teresa!)

I've found the best item to get from Craigslist is the clothing lots - clothing being the one item that baby continually needs and grows out of so quickly! To receive a good lot like the one I just received can be a little bit lucky, as I've purchased other lots without getting as many pieces. But if you don't try to buy them then you never get lucky.

I've purchased my bassinet ($40), bouncer ($10), Jolly Jumper ($5), Baby Bjorn ($20), toy lots (another good one to get pre-loved), Bebecar Vector stroller (a newer model for $175; retails for $599) from Craigslisters.

Not only will you save lots of money, but you'll be "green" too!

If you live in Vancouver, here is a direct link to the Vancouver Craigslist Baby & Kid Stuff listings.


Dairy Queen free Blizzard when you buy one

Monday, January 05, 2009 1 Response
Like those Blizzards? Dairy Queen has a Blizzard Fan Club.

Sign up to the club and they will send you a coupon for a free 16 oz. Blizzard Treat with the purchase of another 16 oz. Blizzard Treat. They will also send you monthly promotional emails containing new Blizzard promotions, flavor updates, contests.

Their site also states that they will email you a coupon on your Birthday, and a special surprise every year you are in the Club.... hmmmmm.

Well my birthday is next month - I'll report on what the birthday coupon is when I get it.


L'Oreal Coupons and Free Skin Genesis Sample

Sunday, January 04, 2009 0 Responses


When you sign up with L'Oreal as a member, you get access to coupons, samples, sweepstakes, and special offers.

Currently if you are a member, you have access to receive by mail the following coupons:

  • $5 Off Skin Genesis
  • $3 Off Advanced Revitalift, Age Perfect, Collagen Remodeler, Feria Hair Colour
  • $2 Off True Match, Voluminous Mascara, Colour Riche Lipstick
  • $1.50 Off Studio Line

You can also receive a free Skin Genesis sample.

Access to these deals are only enabled on the website once you are signed in.



Enfagrow supplement sample

Saturday, January 03, 2009 0 Responses
Enfagrow is a nutritional supplement for toddlers. They are offering a free sample of their product. Not available in Quebec.


LUSH Events Calendar

Saturday, January 03, 2009 0 Responses
LUSH has an events calendar on its website. Lots of stuff always happening around the country. Some have free giveaways, some don't.

Too much to list on my blog, so check out http://www.lush.ca/shop/events/. Cities with events include Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Whistler, Prince George, Ottawa, Banff, Markham, Montreal, Newmarket, Ste-Catherine, Guelph, and Kingston.


Free Econo-Clean Sample

Friday, January 02, 2009 0 Responses
I've never heard of this company Econo-Chem, but they claim their Econo-Clean product will replace 95% of the cleaning products you own. There is a list of the cleaning uses on the website - one of which is to clean jewelry, I'm interested in that. I've just ordered my sample, we'll see if it works. To get the sample you have to choose "no" when asked whether you own a spray bottle, and choose "yes" to consider purchasing the product.



New Mom Freebies

Friday, January 02, 2009 4 Responses
There are lots of companies offering free samples and coupons to new moms. Here is a base list to sign up for, in no particular order.
  • Heinz - Free reusable bag, formula, growth chart.
  • Huggies Pure & Natural - Get a free sample and coupon.
  • Huggies - sign up for free samples, coupons. If you are ready to potty train, get their free potty training DVD, and go to their pull-ups section to print an online coupon for the Pull Ups product.
  • Huggies Enjoy the Ride Rewards Program - collect points (no need to purchase anything to collect points!) and redeem to win prizes. Get 88 free points and read more about it on my post here.
  • Huggies Monthly Sweepstakes - win a year's supply of Huggies products.
  • Pampers.ca - sign up for their Gift to Grow rewards program. Then when you purchase Pampers products, each package has a code that you enter into your online account. This program is slated to end in March 2010 (it just got extended, originally they were going to end it in March 2009).
  • Pampers - Free potty training kit and $5 in coupons.
  • Playtex - drop-ins bottle sample
  • Save.ca - check often or sign up for their emails. They currently have Pampers coupons and Gerber coupons, as well as other non-baby related coupons.
  • Enfamil - free formula samples, coupons
  • Nestle - free backpack, formula, coupons, magazine
  • Save-On-Food - free baby bag. You have to bring in an application form to the store, though. Look for a Baby Program link on the website for the application form.
  • Similac - Welcome Addition Club - sign up to get free coupons and mailings.
  • Shoppers Drug Mart - V.I.B. program for Optimum card members. So far, all the deals for this involve receiving Optimum points when you buy specific products. Click here to go to the Shoppers Drug Mart website and sign up! You'll need your Optimum card number to sign up. Not yet a member? Membership is free, you can sign up at any Shoppers Drug Mart, or fill out this form here, print, and bring it in to any Shoppers for quicker sign-up.
  • Milupa - Sign up for their multiples program.
  • BabyZone.com - Sign up at BabyZone.com to get access to personalised calendars, weekly emails, and other free stuff. I loved receiving the weekly emails that gave me information based on what week my baby is on and how he should be developing. After baby is born, make sure you are set up to receive the Ages and Stages newsletter to get weekly emails on how your newborn baby should be developing.

Enjoy these freebies, and the following free downloads and products!

Check out my latest free stuff posts here!



Free Kirkland Diaper samples

Friday, January 02, 2009 1 Response
Here's a deal I just learned about - Free Kirkland Diaper samples from Costco.

While you are there, sign up for the free Kotex and Poise samples, too!



About Canada Mom Deals

Friday, January 02, 2009 13 Responses
Hey, thanks for checking out my website! Let me tell you a little bit about me and my website, Canada-Mom-Deals.com.

My name is Lucia, and I live in gorgeous Vancouver, BC, Canada. My hubby and I had our first baby in July 2008. We have an 8-year-old Yorkie. My background includes computers, marketing, and fashion.

Canada-Mom-Deals.com is my blog of deals, freebies, sales, online shopping, and related new mommy stuff for the Canadian mom. On my blog you will find:
I am very selective about my postings. My goal is not to regurgitate deals from sites like RedFlagDeals.com. My goal is to sift through the information on sites such as RedFlagDeals.com, e-newsletters, forums, or word of mouth to bring the relevant information to the Canadian mommy. I also try my best to post only valid information, or deals which won't have any "gotchas". Anything that looks fishy, I won't post.

Because I am based in Vancouver, BC, I am a bit biased (sorry to the rest of Canada!!) in my posts at this point. I would love to, in the future, expand this blog to include all of Canada. But for now, I am just doing this for fun, and still taking care of baby, so I can only take care of one city.

Everything changed with baby, just like they say it does. Being Mommy to baby is the most important job in the world to me. I became obsessed with reading everything I could about baby - breast feeding, growth, brain development, sleep training. Being on maternity leave and hence, limited income, I was also careful about not spending too much money on baby and me. My life became taking care of baby, reading about baby, and surfing the Internet for baby-related deals. I seem to make at least one online purchase a week (I'm sure I must a perfect online shopping demographic!).

It was always so disappointing to spend time at an online store only to find upon checkout that they do not ship to Canada. It was also very time consuming to find Canadian-based online stores catering to Moms and baby.

One day in the beginning of 2009 I decided to blog about all this stuff and share the information with Canadian mothers. There you have it - the birth of another blog.

Disclaimer and Privacy Policies
Please read my blog's Disclaimer and Privacy Policies here.

I hope you enjoy my blog! Let me know what you think! I still have lots of content I want to add here so check back often.

If you are a retailer and have deals or a product you want reviewed for the Canadian mommy audience, let me know and I'll post it here!

Email me at lucia@canada-mom-deals.com, Twitter me @CanadaMomDeals, or leave me a comment below!


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